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Children learn best in a nurturing, child-initiated play-based environment that fosters self-confidence, trust, creativity, autonomy and acceptance of individual differences. The staff establishes positive personal interaction, nurturing each child's growth and education. We plan for all areas of a child's development and education: cognitive, emotional, social, creative, and physical. Individuality is acknowledged and respected as each child explores a child-centered environment at her or his own pace. A strong sense of identity and competence is developed as children are helped to feel good about themselves, their abilities, and uniqueness. Each classroom at the center will implement developmentally appropriate practices, achieving curriculum goals in the context of a caring community of learners in which all children can develop.

DF Cooperating

Children with Sunny

Families are an integral part of the education and care of their children.


  1. Teachers respect, value, and accept children and treat them with dignity at all times.
  2. Teachers make it a priority to know each child well.
  3. Teachers create an intellectually engaging, responsive environment to promote each child’s development and learning.
  4. Teachers make plans to enable children to attain key curriculum goals across various disciplines, such as language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, art, music, physical education, and health.
  5. Teachers foster children’s collaboration with peers.
  6. Teachers develop, refine, and use a wide repertoire of teaching strategies to enhance children’s learning and development.
  7. Teachers facilitate the development of responsibility and self-regulation in children.