Graduate Assistantships

A limited number of graduate assistantships (GAs) are available each semester. To be eligible for an assistantship, the student must be enrolled in nine credit hours (this can include undergraduate leveling coursework) and be in good standing with the university. Assistantships may be awarded for either 50% time (20 hours per week), or 25% time (10 hours per week). Those who receive a half-time assistantship might be eligible to receive university benefits. Contact the Human Resources web site for further information regarding benefits. Assistants are assigned to work with a departmental faculty member.

A sample position description, application procedure, and the application form are included in the Graduate Handbook.

Other Graduate Assistantships

Also see:

The type of work that will be expected includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • 1. Assisting with faculty research
  • 2. Assisting faculty with class preparation
  • 3. Grading papers
  • 4. Substitute teaching a class 'as needed'

GAs must maintain a 3.0 GPA in coursework to retain their eligibility. Students are eligible to remain in a GA position for two full academic years. Students must reapply for a GA position each academic semester. GAs will be evaluated at the end of each semester by their supervising faculty member.

Effective Fall 2006, all teaching and instructional assistant GAs are required by the university to take a teaching-related course at no additional cost to the student. This will be offered through each graduate program. The purpose is to strengthen the quality of instruction provided directly/indirectly by the GA